From time to time, we publish position papers as the basis of discussion, and as the basis of taking forward productivity science. Most position papers have a relatively short life, so once their role (as discussion catalysts) is done, we remove them. What you get here, therefore, are those papers that are the basis of continuing discussion.

The discussion takes place within the Productivity Futures group on LinkedIn. (There is a link to the group from the WCPS HomePage).

Green Productivity: Moving the Agenda
Tom Tuttle & John Heap, 2007
(published in International Journal of Productivity & Performance Management vol 57, issue 1)

Economic and Population Growth: A Role for Productivity Science
John Parsons, Australia, 2011

Creating a Sustainable National Index for Social, Environmental & Economic Productivity
John Heap & Tom Burgess, 2012
(published in International Journal of Productivity & Performance Management vol 61, issue 4)

Jim Pepitone, 2014