Creating a Socially, Economically and Environmentally Responsible World

Date: 2nd-5th November 2010

The theme for the XVIth Congress in Antalya, Turkiye (from 2nd – 5th November) was:
Productivity at the Crossroads: Creating a Socially, Economically and Environmentally Responsible World

The Congress was – for the first time held in partnership with the European Productivity Conference and was thus jointly organised by WCPS and the European Association of National Productivity Centres. The host organising body was MPM the National Productivity Centre of Turkiye.

Keynote speakers were:

  • Ms Guyler SABANCI – Chairman and Managing Director of SABANCI Holdings
  • Mr Durmus YILMAX- President of the Central Bank of Turkiye
  • Prof. Dr. Nüket YETİŞ – President of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkiye (TUBITAK)
  • Prof. Dr. Frank D. POT – Professor of Social Innovation, Radboud University, the Netherlands
  • Mr. Wang Mao LIN – President of Chinese Association of Productivity Science (CAPS)
  • Mr. Mustafa YILMAZ – General Manager, AKSA Acrilic Chemicals Industry Inc. UNGC Turkiye Network Representative.
  • Mr. Alain LEMAIRE – President and CEO of Cascades Inc., Canada

The James L Riggs memorial lecture was given by John Heap, the current President of WCPS.

Of particular note was that the World Academy of Productivity Science inducted a woman to its ranks (unfortunately, too rare an event) – Ms. Catleigh Hung, Chairperson & CEO of Noble Purple Holdings, Pte Ltd.

Declaration of the Turkish Congress

We the members of the global productivity community who have gathered in Antalya, Turkiye from 2nd – 5th November 2010 have been informed and inspired by three days of discussion, debate and deliberation on the Congress Theme of “Productivity at the Crossroads: Creating a Socially, Economically and Environmentally Responsible World”.

This theme echoed the position of Turkiye as being at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, well-placed to communicate and to translate across economic, social and cultural divides that should not – nut often do –exist.
The event was also set ın the context of a world emergıng from a global fınancıal crısıs makıng productıvıty development even more important as a means of stabilizing and enhancing productive capacity.
We welcome the Natıonal Productıvıty Organısatıon of Pakıstan as the newest member of the global productıvıty famıly and we wıll contınue to expand thıs famıly so that our collectıve knowledge and ınfluence helps shape a more productıve future for a wider range of global citizens.

As a result of our individual and collective activity, we, the members of the global productivity community affirm that:

  1. only improved productivity can address emerging problems relating to the sustainability of supplies of energy, food and water
  2. productivity development is a simple concept but a complex process involving a number of inter-relating and overlapping domains and disciplines
  3. we need to secure a common understanding among the individuals and groups operating within and across these domains and disciplines
  4. we will individually and collectively continue our efforts to bring about that common understanding
  5. we will find new ways to disseminate the results and outcomes of those efforts.
  6. we wıll carry the messages relatıng to Turkıye’s productıvıty & economıc development to the world.

In so doing, we – the members of the global productivity family – can help bring about the conditions under which we can meet the growing aspirations of all the citizens of the globally-connected world.