The Lean philosophy emphasis a number of factors related to effective and efficient working – one of which is ‘flow’.  Materials and information should flow through s process with no barriers or restrictions.

What about there ‘flow; of people.

‘Flow ‘ is a term that has been applied to that state where workers are fully immersed in a task but not overloaded or stressed.  It is similar to that state of an athlete or performer when he/she is ‘in the zone’ – fully committed,. fully concentrating, fully engaged.

McKinsey & Co recently commented that workers in a flow state are more productive but also more satisfied with their role.  A separate study carried out by the University of Sydney linked flow to a more than fourfold increase in creative problem solving.

This ‘flow’ is not yet fully understood but it is regarded as a widespread phenomenon, existing around the globe irrespective of raced, role, gender  or underlying culture.

To create flow, you must create the conditions under which it becomes possible.

  • Employees should be stretched but not stressed.
  • Employees must have ready access to any equipment or tools necessary for their designated role)s).
  • Employees must be fully trained to carry out their designated role(s).
  • Employees should have simple, straightforward snd speedy feedback on performance.
  • Employers should not ne unduly or unnecessarily disturbed or distracted.
  • Achievement of goals or intermediate milestone should be recognised snd rewarded.
  • Micro-management must be avoided.  If employees  know their role and their part in the organisation, they may value a little freedom as. T o exactly how they carry out heir work.  As long as this freedom does not affect upstream or downstream activities, this is OK.

So, think about how you can change employee preparation, working environments, targets and performance measurement to create the conditions under which flow is possible,

Then set your employees free to flow.