About WCPS

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So far WCPS has created 644 blog entries.

Help those who help themselves

By |2020-03-19T22:45:37+00:00November 14th, 2015|

The title of this post is one of those things our parents taught us when we were kids. It was suggested that we should prioritise our support towards those who were already attempting their own recovery from a problem. Well, if you still subscribe to that philosophy, I urge you to contribute to the current

We all need help

By |2020-03-19T22:45:37+00:00November 7th, 2015|

Do you read the wise words of the business gurus, the management thought leaders? No, me neither. Of course these guys (for they usually are guys) must have done something right to get to where they are - to achieve their fame/notoriety. But that doesn't mean they can necessarily create simple, pithy messages of use

SME productivity growth

By |2020-03-19T22:45:38+00:00October 31st, 2015|

The third Albion Growth Report, designed to shed light on the factors that both create and impede growth among over 1,000 UK SMEs, highlights significant regional differences in tackling the productivity gap: 54 per cent of business owners in the South West said they will increase productivity over the next two years followed by 52 per cent of those in Yorkshire,

Big Data saves the world??

By |2020-03-19T22:45:38+00:00October 24th, 2015|

The World Productivity Congress is proving to be very interesting. Just before the event I read an article by Robert Gordon about the state of US productivity, the gist of which was that the major innovations of the period 1870-1970 fuelled productivity growth but now we have 'used them up' and productivity is stagnating, compounded

17th World Productivity Congress, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (2015)

By |2020-11-12T20:36:55+00:00October 22nd, 2015|

Big Data Analytics for Productivity Date: 19th-22nd October 2015 This Congress was run in partnership with the Big Data conference from October 19-22, 2015 on the theme of Big Data Analytics for Productivity. Programme   Former Chairman of the Chinese Association of Productivity Science - Wang Maolin   Chinese Association for Productivity Science

Big Data for Productivity: Everything Changes

By |2020-11-05T14:57:40+00:00October 21st, 2015|

The theme for the XVIIth Congress held in Halifax, Nova Scotia from 19th – 21st October was Big Data for Productivity: Everything Changes. The Congress was held in partnership with the Big Data Congress and was a big success - importantly establishing the productivity impact of Big Data ... but recognising the context

Listening … and learning

By |2020-03-19T22:45:38+00:00October 17th, 2015|

I am in Halifax (Nova Scotia) for the World Productivity Congress (being held in partnership with the Big Data Conference). This gives me 2 (well, at least 2) opportunities. Firstly, I can meet up with old friends and contacts and find out about developments in the field of productivity across the globe.  This is always

Core strategy or nice to have?

By |2020-03-19T22:45:38+00:00October 10th, 2015|

The World Confederation of Productivity Science promotes the concept of SEE - Social, Environmental & Economic Productivities - suggesting that long-term business sustainability and success  comes from  addressing all three.  Some have claimed that this is another 'take' on the concept of corporate social responsibility but the WCPS ' view is that CSR is an

This is the only productivity blog you need!

By |2020-03-19T22:45:38+00:00October 3rd, 2015|

I was browsing some 'productivity blogs' earlier this week - I use the inverted commas because many of them use the word 'hack - or lifehacks - only using the word 'productivity in the strapline or description. One of them offered to remind me when to breathe to maintain my zen-like state - but I've

Double benefts

By |2020-03-19T22:45:38+00:00September 26th, 2015|

Japan has a new government initiative to boost the adoption of intelligent machines and robots - as part of a drive to improve industrial productivity.  However, this has other benefits as well. Mechanised workplaces are generally more suitable for female workers and for workers with disabilities - so improving automation supports greater workforce diversity ..

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