About WCPS

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So far WCPS has created 644 blog entries.

14th World Productivity Congress, Shenyang, China (2006)

By |2020-11-05T20:56:56+00:00October 10th, 2006|

Pursuing Sustainable & Scientific Growth in Productivity & Performance Date: 8th-10th October 2006 Honorary Chairman: Zeng Peiyan, Vice-Premier of the State Council of China Four Forums/Tracks: Globalization and the Development of Productivity Green Productivity and Competitiveness Urban Development and Regional Economy Learning From the Chinese Productivity Revolution This Congress

12th World Productivity Congress, Hong Kong/Beijing, China (2001)

By |2020-11-05T20:57:17+00:00November 10th, 2001|

Creating Wealth in the Connected Economy Date: 5th-10th November 2001 Part 1: Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Part 2: Beijing International Convention Centre 5th - 10th November, 2001 Patrons: Wen Jibao, Vice Premier, State Council, China The Hon. Tung Chee Hwa, Chief Executive HKSAR Government Key Speakers George H W Bush Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi,

11th World Productivity Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland (1999)

By |2020-11-05T20:57:40+00:00October 6th, 1999|

Re-Vitalising the Organisation Date: 3rd-6th October 1999 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 3rd - 6th October, 1999 Patron: HRH The Duke of Edinburgh Key Speakers Sir Alan Langlands, Chief Executive, UK National Health Service Sir Tom Farmer, Chairman and CEO, Kwik-Fit David Poirier, Executive VP and CEO, Hudson Bay Company This Congress was organized in partnership

10th World Productivity Congress, Santiago, Chile (1997)

By |2020-11-05T20:58:02+00:00October 15th, 1997|

Productivity is the key to unlimited success at all human levels Date: 12th-15th October 1997 At the time, Scott Sink was President of WCPS, Jean Claude Lauzon was Chairman and Carl Thor was President of WAPS (elected at this Congress). Santiago Declaration We, the members of the World Confederation of Productivity Science and the World

9th World Productivity Congress, Istanbul, Turkey (1995)

By |2020-11-05T20:58:19+00:00June 7th, 1995|

New Visions And Strategies For The Next Century: People, Technology & Productivity Date: 4th-7th June 1995 Ciragan Palace, Hotel Kempinski, Istanbul June 4th - 7th, 1995 Honorary Congress President: H.E.Suleyman Demirel, President of the Republic of Turkey Key speakers Tor Dahl Dr. Curt Nicolin Dr. Gary Becker Registration Fee US$840 (early bird US$760) At the

8th World Productivity Congress, Stockholm, Sweden (1993)

By |2020-11-05T20:58:33+00:00May 27th, 1993|

The Market Economy - The Strategy for Growth Date: 23rd-27th May 1993 Patron: H.M.King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden Key Speakers: H.E.Patricio Aylwin, President of Chile Mr. Carl Bildt, Prime Minister of Sweden Prof. Michael Porter Registration Fee: SEK8,125 583 participants plus 61 spouses and staff This Congress was organised in partnership with the Royal

7th World Productivity Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1990)

By |2020-11-05T20:58:52+00:00November 22nd, 1990|

Creating Lasting Change Date: 19th-22nd November 1990 Kuala Lumpur Hilton 19th - 22nd November 1990. Key Speakers: Dr Milton Friedman Dr. Krish Pennathur Dr. Curt Nicolin Registration fee: M$1560 (approx US$580) The congress was organised in partnership with the National Productivity Centre of Malaysia. At the time, Tor Dahl was President of WCPS. The Kuala

6th World Productivity Congress, Montreal, Canada (1988)

By |2020-11-05T20:59:17+00:00September 28th, 1988|

Learning from Experience: Winners, Losers and Forerunners Date: 25th-28th September 1988 Montreal Convention Centre 25th - 28th September, 1988. Keynote Speaker: Tom Peters. Registration fee: $CDN550 (approx $US435) The Congress was organised in partnership with the Canadian Council for Productivity. At the time, Tor Dahl was President of WCPS, Dr. Martin T. Tveit was Chairman

5th World Productivity Congress, Jakarta, Indonesia (1986)

By |2020-11-05T20:59:34+00:00April 16th, 1986|

Productivity as the Driving Force in National and World Development Date: 13th-16th April 1986 Organised in partnership with Department of Manpower, Republic of Indonesia and the National Productivity Council of Indonesia, At the time, James L. Riggs was President of WCPS and Martin T. Tveit was Deputy-President of WCPS. The Jakarta Declaration A statement unanimously

4th World Productivity Congress, Oslo, Norway (1984)

By |2020-11-05T20:59:58+00:00May 16th, 1984|

The New World of Productivity Date: 12th-16th May 1984 This Congress was organised in partnership with The Norwegian Productivity Institute. At the time James L.Riggs was President of WCPS and Martin T. Tveit was Deputy President. The Oslo Declaration With the understanding that productivity: is a universal concept aimed at providing more and more goods

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