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So far WCPS has created 644 blog entries.

Coaching Success

By |2022-08-19T06:43:22+00:00August 20th, 2022|

This summer, in the UK, has been glorious and packed with sport - Wimbledon, Commonwealth Games, European Championships, It got me thinking about how athletes and sports people prepare for a season in which they want to, or need to, peak several times. Sports coaches and sports scientists seems to have developed this ability within

Manage the Small Projects

By |2022-08-11T17:20:05+00:00August 13th, 2022|

When we think about project management, many people naturally think of large-scale projects - building a new motorway (freeway), a new rail line or a new power station are obvious examples. Small projects, however, need project managing in the same way.  The principles and practises are the same.  We break the project down into manageable

A Day Is Not Enough

By |2022-08-04T06:41:55+00:00August 4th, 2022|

This year, June 20th was World Productivity Day. I only found out about this at the beginning of July.  It had already passed me by - with no impact on me, or, I suspect the rest of the world. Those who think about productivity on World Productivity day will only be successful if they also think

On Reflection

By |2022-07-27T22:22:08+00:00July 30th, 2022|

There is plenty of advice on how to start your working day - by establishing priorities, by reviewing your To Do list and so on . However, the other end of the day can be just as important. I find a quiet period of reflection can help clear the mind and prepare for a proper

Action is not Productivity

By |2022-07-20T13:34:00+00:00July 23rd, 2022|

 If you run around all day long, switching from tasks to task, you may end up completing little, achieving less.  You probably need to think more, act less. Plan more, execute more efficiently. This applies to your organisation. Sometimes, your employees may be working very hard but making little progress towards longer-term goals and objectives.   Like


By |2022-07-14T18:58:27+00:00July 16th, 2022|

Sorry about returning to the subjects of 4 day working weeks and remote working. But I continue to see claims that both of these increase productivity. Most of these clams seem to arise from surveys of staff who themselves claim they are more productive working from home. I am prepared to believe that staff are

Four Day Week

By |2022-07-06T09:28:45+00:00July 9th, 2022|

Various companies are experimenting with a 4 day working week.  There seems to be  a general belief ‘in the air’ that productivity will remain the same or even increase. I have expressed my doubts about this in the past but my real observation is that these companies seem to be forgetting that the world, more generally, is

Don’t Ask The Government

By |2022-06-29T22:40:34+00:00July 2nd, 2022|

Especially in difficult times (and current times certainly count as ‘difficult’ for most businesses), business asks for help from government.  Yet in the good times (and they will come again), they want government to stop ‘interfering’. They can’t expect to have it whichever way they like. The role of government in improving productivity is simple.  They

Don’t Take All Opportunities

By |2022-06-22T21:22:51+00:00June 25th, 2022|

Leaders, and especially entrepreneurs, are hard-wired to seize opportunities and follow leads. This is only effective, however, when those leads and opportunities help you move forward in your existing strategy towards your agreed mission and vision. Otherwise they are a distraction and they suck energy out of you and your organisation. Always judge potential opportunities

Plan for Productivity

By |2022-06-15T21:24:18+00:00June 18th, 2022|

Very few organisations improve productivity  by accident.  They may do so as a ’by-product’ of some other initiative (such as installing new technology or establishing a new workforce development programme) but productivity doesn’t just come along unbidden. This means that you have to seek it out. You have to plan for it. You have to examine your

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