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So far WCPS has created 649 blog entries.

What have I done today?

By |2022-02-23T16:00:55+00:00February 26th, 2022|

Those of us charged with improving productivity can sometime get anxious about our own, personal productivity.  Are we working hard enough? If so, why isn’t the productivity of the organisation higher? These are the wrong questions to ask.  Beating ourselves up is no way to a better future. We should ask: What have I done today? What

Training needs to catch up

By |2022-02-16T22:24:54+00:00February 19th, 2022|

Productivity requires employees to be fully trained in all aspects of their work role, preferably  including being aware of the organisation’s declared mission snd overall strategy. The problem for the organisation is that training can be expensive - especially in terms of taking an employee away from the workplace. One standard answer is “If you

A Simple, Productivity Tip

By |2022-02-10T19:23:54+00:00February 12th, 2022|

Many of us have computers at home. We may use them for work-rerated tasks (especially now more of us spend at least some working time at home) or for social/leisure purposes. We tend to use a small set of applications on a regular basis - a word processor, a spreadsheet app, email, messaging, task management,

Simple Productivity Gains

By |2022-02-02T19:20:43+00:00February 5th, 2022|

If you are doing some DIY work at home, say building a new cupboard, you might perform badly when compared to a professional joiner building the same cupboard. He is likely to build a higher quality cupboard and to build it faster.   His productivity is obviously greater. Why does he outperform you? Probably for two main

Focus – but not all the time

By |2022-01-26T19:22:35+00:00January 29th, 2022|

Focus! Focus! Focus!  That’s the advice we are given. If we focus, we can perform, we can achieve. But as with all such exhortations, such simplistic advice, such trite sayings, there is another side to examine. Those who don;t focus all the time, who don’t keep their mind fixed on the way ahead, on the goal,

Lowering Working Hours is Not Sustainable

By |2022-01-20T07:50:20+00:00January 22nd, 2022|

There have  been numerous reports lately of organisations cutting working  hours to increase  the engagement of employees, whilst paying the same salaries.  This is said to improve productivity. I am somewhat skeptical of such reports - and of the projects that  generate them. I am totally in favour of increasing  the engagement of employees but this has to be done in

The Future Can be Built on Stories

By |2022-01-12T15:24:18+00:00January 15th, 2022|

Story-telling is becoming recognised as a very effective means of communication. People react better to an interesting narrative than to a boring set of facts or exhortations. So, telling people your vision, and what you expect them to do to support it, is largely a waste of time.   But tell them a story set in

Short-term thinking, short-term success

By |2022-01-05T08:00:56+00:00January 8th, 2022|

If we give our staff a list of objectives to meet or tasks to complete, they will generally do so. After all, most come to work to do a good job and to please their employer. If we give them lots of tasks to do, they will need to prioritise.  Their priorities will not necessarily be

Throw Away the Plans

By |2021-12-29T16:10:19+00:00January 1st, 2022|

That headline does not mean we should stop making plans.  Those who don’t plan, don’t succeed. It means that we must recognise that a post-pandemic world causes us to rethink some of the old certainties.  The Omicron variant of the virus is resulting in many more people catching the virus, though, luckily, generally with less severe results.

Benchmark to highlight posible gains

By |2021-12-22T19:19:01+00:00December 25th, 2021|

When undertaking productivity assignments in some countries, it is surprising to find out how far performance and productivity is from that of the best performing countries snd organisations. This in spite of the data that is available on the web, in specialists journals and even in general news. One of the benefits of benchmarking is

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