Who Are You?

By |2023-10-02T18:16:13+00:00October 7th, 2023|

Your personal productivity depends on how well you know yourself. What interests you? What are you good at? What don't you like doing? In the past, when have you performed well - and what were the circumstances? Each of us is different.  We have different interests, different motivations, different abilities, different skills. This means we

Should You Take a Vacation?

By |2023-10-05T09:00:52+00:00October 5th, 2023|

The answer to the question is obvious. Yes, you should. We all need a break from work occasionally to rid ourselves of accumulated stress, to refresh ourselves. But I've learned that there are things you can do to help maintain productivity whilst still having x complete break. Firstly - prepare for the vacation. One of

Is it OK to use the word ‘productivity’?

By |2023-08-27T09:19:28+00:00September 30th, 2023|

At the personal level, many people associate the word ‘productivity’ with working (too) hard, suffering a poor work-life balance and increasing stress. At the organisation level, many people associate the word ‘productivity’ with working harder, restructurings and layoffs. At national level, few people understand the word ‘productivity’ - talk about it confuses and frightens them.

Its not the medium – or even the message

By |2023-08-25T11:05:12+00:00September 23rd, 2023|

Most of us have done some form of study that involves a section on improving communications. We learn about the importance of making any message appropriate to the target audience - using the right language, using appropriate images, and so on. We also learn about choosing the medium for the message according to factors such

Keeping It (Very) Simple

By |2023-08-25T09:54:49+00:00September 9th, 2023|

Sometimes keeping things simple yields the best results. This is particularly true for start-ups and small businesses. Don’t get sucked into complex (and expensive) systems of control or ‘improvement’.Stick to the basics. Set realistic goals (consistent with your declared mission and vision). If the goals are long-term, set intermediate targets. Communicate those goals/targets  throughout the organisation (especially

Do We Have To Make A Choice?

By |2023-08-25T09:44:26+00:00September 2nd, 2023|

Climate-change activists often insist theirs is the right way.  They insist that everything we do (or more often not do) must help ‘save the planet', rather than make us richer or more secure. Yet, in all fields of human activity, the two can co-exist, even help each other…. If we look at green policies and practices

Does Time Matter?

By |2023-08-25T09:31:57+00:00August 26th, 2023|

Of course it does! However, concentrating on squeeing every last drop of productive output from each day and multi-tasking to get more done can lead to burnout, to stress and anxiety and to a drop in performance. If this sounds like your existence, then think about what it represents.  Time is managing you, rather than

A Lesson in Communication

By |2023-08-16T08:37:52+00:00August 19th, 2023|

Doug Conant was the CEO of Campbell Soups in 2001 when the company’s business was at  rock bottom due to several organisational issues including a toxic culture. Among the many leadership strategies, Doug adopted, one of them was to engage with each staff member and personally, connect with them. He did something that was unheard of


By |2023-08-09T08:32:59+00:00August 12th, 2023|

I have talked previously about the need to balance the pursuit of efficiency with a need for resilience - we need to be able to cope with supply chain, labour or other problems. We have also talked previously about the need to balance a concentration on throughput with the need to maintain, or improve, quality.  No

How Good Are They?

By |2023-08-02T07:05:26+00:00August 5th, 2023|

Over the last couple of decades (before the pandemic) lots of middle income countries and middle-performing companies were integrated into global supply chains. Advanced nations and advanced companies had no choice as they needed new sources of materials, parts and skills. These new supply chain partners soon learned what was expected of them and with

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