Start with tradition
I’m currently touring parts of the USA with my son, on vacation. We both like a mix of natural beauty, tradition and live music. Tradition anchors a country in its core vales, though the U.S
Where is the new fluoride?
When I was growing up, there was a great controversy about whether fluoride should be added to drinking water to combat tooth decay in children. In the end, science ’won’ and children’s teeth have been
Late shift
If at the end of a typical working day (of, say, 8 hours) you had to go and start another job elsewhere, I would expect your performance on Job 2 to be limited and poor.
No stretching
Parkinson’s Law famously stated that work expands to fill the time available. That is why we say “If you want something doing, give it to a busy person.” Non-busy people make themselves look busy by
Robots Good?
I was musing about robots recently - as one does ... and started thinking about the sociology of such devices. Humans in a work situation can be excellent performers as individuals but the real performance
Think before you count.
I read a piece the other day on the use of productivity measures for academic staff. The measures were all about output quantity (presumably with the proviso that papers wouldn’t be published if they didn’t
An Intellifgent Future?
Artificial Intelligence is said to be set to revolutionise many sectors. Is this a force for productivity gains or just a threat to jobs? Well, as the Australian Productivity Commission said recently, technology has over
Turn the clock back
Modern workplaces seem antagonistic to efficient working and productivity. They are noisy, stressful, full of constant chatter. constant interruptions from telephones, streams of emails and so on. Perhaps its time to turn the clock back.
A Good Start
Most of us try to organise our working day to maximise performance and efficiency. Yet for many of us that day can be ruined before it really starts. If we rise and start worrying about
Rule number 7
If you want the real secret to productivity development, it is ... Well, the most important factor is to always, always remember rule number 7 - train and develop your staff, and treat them well.
Backing Up
We all know he importance of backing up the work we do on computer - even if we don't always practise what we know we should. We also know we should have some form of
The agenda matters
When giving talks to people about productivity, I often express my amazement - and my worry - that governments spend a lot of time working on the wrong things. For example, in the UK at
Educational Productivity
I read a piece the other day on the use of productivity measures for academic staff. The measures were all about output quantity (presumably with the proviso that papers wouldn’t be published if they didn’t
Open for Business
This week is The Open Golf Championship - what Americans like to call the British Open but is is THE Open. The Open obviously has the best golfers in the world - and as with
A good joke??
I am quite used to seeing strange suggestions for improving personal productivity - often tied to an app someone is trying to sell me. But the one I saw the other day 'takes the biscuit'.
Does technology help?
Does technology improve productivity? Silly question, isn't it? Well no. If you could monitor what your staff are 'working' on all the time, you would find that many book holidays, contact their medical practitioner, look
Perfect for Paperless?
Most of us believe that technology has a good track record in improving productivity. But there have been many promised futures that did not come about. Think 'the paperless office' for one. This was first
Do it Early!
I think it was Mark Twain who one said that eating a live frog early every morning means you know the worst is behind you and you can get on with your day with confidence.
Whose fault?
We have seen lots of talk over the last few years by various governments about the need for more sustainable development - and less dependence on fossil fuels. Yet, the rise in the use of
Yes, but how?
All nations want to increase their productivity. This makes them more competitive, brings rewards for citizens and allows society to develop. The problem is that no-one is quite sure how it can be achieved. There
Who SHOULD do it?
Several years ago, Peter Drucker noted that if most organisations increased their productivity by 10% it would double their profits. At that time, 10% seemed achievable. Now, firms are lucky to achieve 5% - and
Why aren’t they more innovative?
We hold innovative firms up to the light- as rare, glorious examples. Most organisations have a number of creative people - whether or not in avowedly creative roles. When these creative people come up with
India’s difficult task
India is often cited as the next major economic powerhouse - perhaps even overtaking China. This is based on India's recent record in moving up the international GDP league. However, look just below the surface
Coaching or consultancy
Coaching has become 'fashionable - the number of business coaches has multiplied dramatically over the last 10 years. However many of thee coaches are 'consultants' under a different name. What is the difference? Well, a