
Steer Your meetings to Success

By |June 26th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

If you start your online meetings by simply asking a question such as..”You’ve all seen the plan. Any comments?”, your team members will probably look away from their cameras down at their desks (or kitchen

Accept Poor Performance at your Peril

By |June 19th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

Measuring performance is essential for a number of reasons.   Firstly, as the adage goes … if you can measure it, you can manage it.How do you predict job times if you don’t know the performance

Meetings, B****y Meetings

By |June 12th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

If you are always moaning about the number of meetings you have to attend, then almost certainly you do have too many meetings.  The pandemic - and the forced switch to Zoom and Teams and the

On The Right Track

By |June 5th, 2021|Categories: National Productivity, Productivity|

The UK’s rail franchise system (where private companies bid for the right to tun rail services on the national infrastructure)  was introduced to improve competition and efficiency.   However, the bids - and the assessment of them

Help us to connect our data

By |May 29th, 2021|Categories: Innovation, Productivity|

Many companies are looking to improve manufacturing productivity by improving the efficiency of their various machines and other manufacturing facilities - by, in turn, improving their data driven management … monitoring the performance of those

Is Pan-Famine Next?

By |May 22nd, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

Agricultural productivity is one of the globe’s (and the twentieth century’s) great success stories. Over that century from 1900 to 1999 the number of people employed in agriculture dropped dramatically, yet yields rose just as

Creativity from Home

By |May 15th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

There is quite a bit of debate about whether working from home is good or bad for productivity. Are working-from-home employees as efficient as those in the office?  The jury is still out.... but perhaps

Invisible Employees Drag Productivity Down

By |May 8th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

Many employees seem to want to ‘hide in the shadows’ - to get on with their work without disturbing their supervisor/manager.  Many supervisors/managers seem equally happy with this approach, feeling that employees who ‘raise their

Stop being hyperactive

By |May 1st, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

Anyone with a hyperactive child knows how wearing it can be to have to cope with the demands such a child can make on a regular and continuing basis. Well, email and continual zoom meetings

Getting Engaged

By |April 24th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

Before the pandemic, evidence suggested that many employees were not really engaged with their work/workplace/employing organisation.  The results of a lack of engagement are absenteeism, poor quality of work and a lack of concern for customer

Sleeping on the Job

By |April 3rd, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

March 15th was National Napping Day and March was National Sleep Awareness Month.  A Pew Research Center survey found that 34% of Americans take daily naps. Many peple find a midday snooze flips off their

Personal Guru?

By |March 27th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

Can a personal productivity guru help you reach new productivity heights? Many of  us look to new tools and rtechndquwes, new technologies ologies, new approaches to stimulate our thinking about how to get more done

Learning from Lockdown

By |March 13th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

Before lockdown many firms were experimenting with networking/collaborative tools, hoping to improve the inter-connectedness of departments, people and processes.   When the lockdown hit, many of them accelerated the move to the various tools and technologies

Delayed Gratification

By |March 6th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

Young children take some time to accept that delayed gratification can sometimes  be an improvement on instant.  For example, waiting for a treat can make that treat better - the period of anticipation can heighten the

Remote Creativity

By |February 27th, 2021|Categories: National Productivity, Productivity|

Creativity is what will see organisations blossom as we (hopefully) near the end of this pandemic. In an office situation, creativity is aided by people bouncing ideas off their co-workers,  They can do this by simply

Remote Maintenance

By |February 20th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

Remote working has been necessary during the pandemic - the alternative for many was no working.     Many organisations have adjusted to the need for remote technologies and remote communication. Have they, though, adjusted to

Beyond the Pilot

By |February 13th, 2021|Categories: Innovation, Productivity|

Many business leaders know that they should be thinking of digitally transforming their operations to harness the power and connectivity of modern electronic devices and networks.   However too many of them approach ‘transformation’ in


By |February 6th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

Evolution is normally a more stable process than revolution.  Changes are incremental, slow and secure, embedded before the next change occurs. So, if you can, you are probably better trying to evolve your business into an improved,

Optimise, don’t maximise

By |January 30th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

Can productivity be raised too far. Is high productivity ever a problem? Well, it depends on how you look at it and the context/situation you are considering/measuring. For example, it is possible, by applying productivity

What Can You Control?

By |January 23rd, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

If you can’t control events or situations, you might find yourself getting anxious.  This is negative thinking, likely to have an adverse effect on your performance and productivity. In such situations, it is important to

Information Matters

By |January 16th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

There is some research evidence from India that suggests that providing farmers with information and advice about the use of pesticides, high yield seeds, weather forecasts, etc is more important than ‘showing them what to

Now is the Time to Think

By |January 9th, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

As we gain hope, and maybe even confidence, with the first virus injections, it is time to reflect on the effects of the pandemic and form plans for the future. There are two main items

Happy New Year

By |January 2nd, 2021|Categories: Productivity|

Was what you did and achieved in 2020 the best you could do, bearing in mind the limits caused by the pandemic? If not, you have to think about what you can do and achieve

Don’t Waste the Festive Time

By |December 26th, 2020|Categories: Productivity, Uncategorized|

We know Christmas day was yesterday, and we know some readers do not celebrate Christmas ... but we send greetings anyway. We also remind you that 'festivities' are valuable in  the workplace - to celebrate,

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